Support participation of women in various aspects of life through activities, projects and training programs for their rehabilitation, development and increase their active participation alongside men to the development of our society.
Website: http://www.wmla-petra.org/contact.html
E-Mail: info@wmla-petra.com
Telephone: 0777790065
Address: Ma’an, Wadi Musa, Al-Salamin District, Al-Rahma Street.
- Development of women and children.
- Raise women awareness.
- Establish income-generating projects.
- Organizing workshops.
Telephone: 0772084808
-Create small income-generating projects.
-Create workshops and training courses for women.
-Providing food and financial aid.
-Early Education.
Telephone: 0772289613
Address: Tafila, alhisa’ – Jurf Al-Daraweesh – near the old mosque – opposite the railway.
1 – Working to integrate women into the process of social, cultural, environmental, political, and economic development in the Kingdom.
2- Preparing training programs, projects, and qualifications to educate and train women as a basic member in building the family and citizenship participating in development.
3- Forming, qualifying, and training women leaders.
4- Educating women about their rights and duties and enabling them to exercise their rights in all fields and building women’s leadership.
5- Representing Jordanian women in national, Arab, and international conferences.
6- Carrying out studies and research on women at the national and national levels and working to encourage them.
Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/AlMastabaLadiesAssociation/
Telephone: 0777676553/ 637401502
Fax: 6351448 02
Address: Jerash – Mastaba – near the girls school
– Women and society service.
– Caring for children.
– Establishing productive- projects for women.
– Educating women.
Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/hananuonion/
Telephone: 0776846052
Address: Tafila, downtown, opposite the governorate
-Empowering women in political, economic and socio-cultural issues.
-Establishing productive projects that aim to improve the economic level of women.
-Holding awareness and education workshops.
-Aid to Syrian refugees.
Website: https://www.facebook.com/wfmafraq/
Telephone: 0772456503 – 026234806
Address: Al-Mafraq – Jerash Circle – Al-Saleem Building – Queen Zain Al-Sharaf Charitable Society.
– Allowing women to carry out their social and cultural work
– Opening productive projects to empower women economically by giving them revolving loans to do projects in her home to help her husband.
– Awareness programs to empower women religiously and politically.
– Holding workshops for women.
Telephone: 026420723 – 0777780922
Fax: 026430778
Address: Ajloun, next to the Directorate of Industry and Trade.
Goals: Enabling women, improving their awareness, granting non-interest loans, and establishing productive projects.
Telephone: 0772123873
Address: Ma’an – the Health Center St. (King Hussien St.) – Petra Cross St.
Telephone: 0795934560
Address: Irbid – Alhashimeya – Almal’ab.
-Empowering women economically and culturally.
-Helping poor families.
Website: https://www.facebook.com/%D8%AC%D9%85%D8%B9%D9%8A%D8%A9-%D9%87%D9%85%D8%A9-%D9%86%D8%B3%D8%A7%D8%A1-%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%A8%D9%84%D9%82%D8%A7%D8%A1-%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%AE%D9%8A%D8%B1%D9%8A%D8%A9-278283042197109/
E-Mail: quatalqloob@hotmail.com
Telephone: 0799358702 / 0781315110
Address: Balqa, Salt, Al-Dababneh traffic light, behind the new Balqa Governorate building.
Goals: Empowering women economically, socially and politically.
E-Mail: Zaena12318@yahoo.com
Telephone: 0796014233
Address: Karak, Southern Ghor, Ghor Al-Mazra’a District, Modern Ghor.
- Establishing various productive projects and providing financial and in-kind assistance.
- Work programs, lectures, workshops and seminars and participate in the national celebrations.
- Opening specialized programs for kindergartens and women.
Website: www.facebook.com/ajlounladies/
E-Mail: ajlounorganization@yahoo.com
Telephone: 026422944 – 0777778124
Address: Ajloun, Irbid Main Street, opposite Al Ataa Gas Station, Building No. 63, second floor.
Foster orphans, establish productive projects in order to help poor families and fund the society, in addition to hold awareness campaigns and workshops on psychology, economy, and health.
Telephone: 026265148 / 0776055397
Fax: 026232328
Address: Mafraq – Alkarm Alahmar – Khlaif Neighborhood St. (The West Neighborhood).
Enhancing the performance of women in different professions and businesses, supporting national efforts seeking to increase their participation in the development process, adopting regulatory, legislative mechanisms and environment that promote the work of women, strengthening cooperation between the voluntary and women entities in Jordan and between them and their peers in Arab and foreign in addition to, and implementing projects to achieve the above mentioned goals.
Website: www.bpwa-amman.org
E-Mail: btwadarectar@btwa-amman.org
Telephone: 013 63 56 06
Fax: 014 63 56 06
Address: Befor Jordan Hospital – beside Amlak newspaper
Developing the skills and capabilities of women and empowering them economically and professionally, raising the level of awareness among them, and providing women with many training programs related to realizing the desired objectives.
Telephone: 756 91 39 05
Fax: 370 32 39 05
Address: Zerqa – Zerqa Camp
– To enhance the participation of women in various fields.
– Spreading awareness of the rights of women and girls.
– Contributing to the national, Arab, regional, and international efforts to enhance the position of women and their rights.
– Providing the necessary protection, guarantees, and services to protect women’s rights at the national and regional levels.
– Building institutional capacity for the association and its partners.
– Achieving financial sustainability.
Website: www.sigi-jordan.org
E-Mail: info@sigi-jordan.org
Telephone: 065543894
Fax: 065543837
Address: Wasfi Al Tall St. – real estate developing centre – 4th floor
Goals: To improve the reality of women in Jordan, preserving their gains, and embedding a positive societal culture and a supportive national environment through its participatory methodology with all concerned parties.
Website: www.women.jo
E-Mail: jncw@nets.com.jo
Telephone: 06-5560741 – 06-5526768
Fax: 06-5526768
Address: Amman – Al Madenah Al Munawwarah St. – Hashemite Jordanian fund for humanity development
– Involve women in leading the change in their societies towards equality between women and men and ending discrimination and violence against women.
– A goal of empowerment: women learn to become leaders in decision-making positions, become visionaries, and are motivated to implement the plans they have drawn up.
A networking goal: Women learn to cooperate to support networks specialized in women’s rights.
Website: www.awo.org.jo
E-Mail: awo@nets.com.jo
Telephone: 0795519520- 064650412 – 064650414
Fax: 962064650414
Address: Amman – Jabal Amman – Rainbow St – Building No. 7
Goals: The main mission is to fight poverty and exclusion and contribute to the permanent change of individuals in especially vulnerable situations.
Website: https://www.imsweden.org/en/
Telephone: 065517694
Supporting labor rights movements and migrant workers’ in their efforts to combat Forced Labor in the labor market through our work with a network of activists and stakeholders dedicated to advocating and defending the rights of marginalized groups in our society.
Furthermore, Tamkeen provides find and identify effective solutions to issues faced by the marginalized groups in society through the provision of legal services and human rights education; conducting media and advocacy campaigns; as well as the development of training programs. The Centre also publishes studies, researches, and analysis regarding the current issues and policies affecting these groups with the aim of promoting human rights and bringing about real change for the rights of migrants, victims of trafficking, and forced labor.
Website: www.tamkeen-jo.org
E-Mail: info@tamkeen.jo.org
Telephone: 065539501 – 0796404406
Address: Amman – Wasfi Al Tal St.- Bldg. No. 80 – 5th floor – Office No. 501
Goals can access their rights, regardless of their status. It encourages inclusive development that migrants.
Website: www.ardd-jo.org
Telephone: +962 64617277
Fax: : Establishing a democratic community – An open, divers, and equal community, in which everyone takes into account the needs of the most vulnerable groups – Jordanians, refugees, and
Address: Jabal Amman, Third Circle, Zuhair Malhas Street, Building No. 8, Second Floor.
-Strengthening the concepts of gender equity and its requirements.
-Raise awareness of women’s rights and responsibilities to reach to boards of directors and decision-making positions.
-Raise public awareness of the importance of the role of women on boards of directors and decision-making positions.
-Motivate public and private sector institutions to increase the number of women on boards of directors and decision-making positions.
-Position WOBs JO as a key party for all actors and stakeholders wishing to increase the number of women on boards of directors and decision-making positions.
Website: http://www.wobsjo.com/
E-Mail: info@wobsjo.com
Telephone: 065931261 -0779697976
Fax: Not found
Address: Amman 5th Circle Abdul Rahman Alawi St. Building #16 Next to Bristol Hotel
– Organize and unify the efforts and energies of Jordanian women to defend their gains and rights.
– Confront any form of discrimination against women.
– Affirming and enhancing the position of Jordanian women and their role in society and enabling them to exercise their rights as citizens, workers, and housewives, based on the principles of equality, justice, equal opportunities, participation and respect for human dignity and rights.
– Raise awareness of Jordanian women of their role and rights and enhance their participation in various fields.
– Seek to integrate Jordanian women in the development of the local community and strive to improve their social position and enable them to invest in their creative and productive capacities better.
– Seek to overcome legislative, economic, social, cultural, and other obstacles that prevent the full realization of women’s rights as stipulated in international covenants, including the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, the Jordanian Constitution and the Jordanian National Charter as a minimum.
– Activating the role of Jordanian women and enabling them to fulfill their duty to enhance Jordan’s independence, consolidate the democratic approach, and protect the sovereignty and national culture.
– Striving to enable women to obtain health care and protection in general and in the area of reproductive and sexual health and maternal and child care in particular, and to spread a healthy culture and empower women to benefit from family planning activities and strive to develop these services.
– Seek to enable women to benefit and contribute to building civil society and protecting and promoting human rights in general and the rights of women and children in particular.
– Providing women with the skills, knowledge, experiences, capabilities, and various services that enable them to contribute to improving and protecting the natural and demographic environment, improving the standard of living of their family, ensuring the well-being and stability of their members, especially children, and enabling them to defend the interests and rights of the family.
– Contributing to literacy for women in the alphabet, legal, cultural, and political fields.
– Supporting Palestinian women to defend their legitimate national rights.
– Supporting Arab women and cooperating with them to achieve common goals.
– Solidarity with world women in their just causes.
Website: http://jwu.org.jo/Home.aspx?lng=2
E-Mail: abisharatcenter@orange.jo
Telephone: 0096265687037
Fax: 00962656587061
Address: Amman – Jabal Al-Hussein – Safad Street – Building 56.
- Educating women about their rights and duties.
- To develop the capabilities of women in various fields, including life skills, family management, and leadership skills
- Train women to increase their income and support small projects.
- Work to protect women from violence.
- Increase women’s participation in the labor market and national production.
Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/Re7ana.Jo/
E-mail: rihanatalosrah@gmail.com
Telephone: 0799944715
Address: Amman, Tla ‘Al-Ali, first right after the pedestrian bridge, after Al Waha roundabout, towards Ibn Al Haytham.
Foster orphans, establish projects and spread the awareness of rationalizing water consumption.
Telephone: 0796800553 / 02724650.
Address: Irbid – North Shouneh – Wadi Al-Rayan – in front of UNRWA Schools.
Collect donations to achieve charitable activities for the sake of poor people and orphans, helping in improving women by giving them the chance to participate in social and cultural activities, enhance sports activities and the cultural background for the children.
E-Mail: rjaf12@yahoo.com
Telephone: 4890967 06
Fax: 4890967 06
Address: Amman – seventh circle
Supporting poor families and providing them with financial and in-kind assistance, supporting the orphans and rehabilitating women and young girls to be productive and efficient in their communities, raising awareness in the religious, educational, economic and health fields, providing them with work opportunities and income-generating projects, working to eradicate illiteracy, and holding courses and lectures according to the needs of the local community.
Telephone: 999 30 39 05
Fax: 999 30 39 05
Address: Zerqa – Ramzi Quarter – King Nasir St.
Developing and rehabilitating women in rural areas and assisting in the education of students, opening kindergartens, developing the skills of women in rural areas, assisting the needy families, and implementing training, productive an rehabilitation projects.
Website: www.sdrrw.org.jo
E-Mail: info@sdrrw.org.jo
Telephone: 948 32 55 06 – 298 37 55 06
Fax: 298 37 55 06 – 948 32 55 06
Address: Amman – Dhahieyet Al Hussien – Al Salam Quarter – Abd Al Kareem Al Hmoud St. Sharkas Express