On Friday, 21-8-2020 in Amman, a workshop entitled “Know Your Right” concluded on the concept of decent work for about 15 private sector teachers from various governorates of the Kingdom.
This workshop continued over two days, focusing on the concept and elements of decent work and what is decent work according to Jordanian labor law, as well as the focus on women’s rights to decent work, as contained in Jordanian legislation and international agreements, in addition to talking about decent work as one of the sustainable development goals as well as other sustainable development goals. In addition to learning about the 190 Convention on the Elimination of Harassment and Violence in the Work Environment, and the Unified Contract for Private School Workers.
This workshop comes within the activities of the second year of the project of the Decent Work Academy, which is implemented by the East and West Center for Sustainable Development in partnership with the Swedish Partner Organization for Development (IM).