Decent work Ambassadors Dialogue sessions in different governorates

The members of #Decent_Work_Ambassadors implemented 6 new dialogue sessions during the previous period in different governorates of the Kingdom on decent work issues as below:
In Zarqa, a dialogue session was held at the” Zarqa Charitable Society for the Blind”, entitled Decent Work with the people with Visually Impaired.
In Karak, 5 dialogue sessions were implemented , two sessions in Thada space entitled “Decent work for all, with taking into consideration diversity of the work environment”, two sessions under the topic at the Karak Young Women Center and at Madeen Charitable Society, the last session was at the Karak Young Women Center entitled “Environmental Preparation and Accessibility for People with Disabilities”.
These sessions of Decent Work Ambassadors are part of the Decent Work Academy project activities which are implemented by the East and West Center for Sustainable Development in partnership with the Swedish Partner Organization (IM).


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