Second “Know Your Right” workshops for women

الصورة الختامية للمشاركات والمدربة وطاقم المركز Picture of the participants (17 women), the trainer and the center's staff


The second workshop session was finished on Saturday 18th of June, 2022 in Amman titled “Know your Right” regarding the concept of decent work for 17 young women from all over Jordan governorates. It was held for 2 days, focusing on women’s rights in decent work, as stated in the Jordanian legislations and the international conventions, In addition, talking about the sustainable development goals (SDGs) but focusing on goal number 8 which is (decent work and economic growth). Moreover, letting the participants know about the 190 convention to eliminate harassment and violence in the working environment. This workshop comes as a part of the fourth year of the “decent work academy” project, which is executed by the West and East center for sustainable development in cooperation with IM Swedish development partner.


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